If you're struggling to connect with your audience, frustrated by low engagement, or uncertain about how to effectively market your services... 

You're not alone. 

The truth is, no matter how incredible your skills and knowledge are, if your message isn’t clear, compelling, and aligned with the needs of your ideal clients, it will be difficult to stand out in today’s crowded market. 

Imagine having a message that speaks directly to your audience’s deepest desires and pain points, a personal brand that makes you stand out, and a marketing plan that positions you as the go-to authority in your field. 

This is exactly what the Message and Marketing Intensive can help you achieve. 

Why This Intensive Is Right For You

 Review Your Messaging & Marketing: As part of the intensive, we'll conduct a comprehensive Message & Marketing Audit to evaluate your current messaging and marketing efforts. 

We'll identify what's working, what's not, and where you might be losing potential clients.

Clarify Your Core Message: Your message is the foundation of everything you do. It’s how you communicate your expertise, connect with your audience, and inspire them to take action. 

In this intensive, we’ll work together to uncover the heart of your message—what makes your approach unique and why it matters to your ideal clients. By the end of our session, you’ll have a clear, powerful message that cuts through the noise and speaks directly to those who need your help the most. 

Create a Results-Driven Marketing Plan: Even the most compelling message and magnetic brand need the right marketing strategy to reach your audience. We’ll work together to develop a customized marketing plan that aligns with your goals and leverages the channels where your ideal clients are most active. 

Whether it’s social media, email marketing, or content creation, you’ll have a clear, actionable plan that you can implement immediately to boost your visibility, attract more leads, and grow your business.
You’ll leave this session with a clear, actionable plan that you can implement immediately, boosting your visibility and driving more qualified leads to your business.

Why This Session is Different

There’s no shortage of generic marketing advice out there. 

But what makes this 90-minute intensive unique is the personalized, focused attention you’ll receive. 

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. 

I take the time to understand your business, your goals, and the unique challenges you face. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your established business to the next level, this intensive is tailored to meet you where you are and help you get where you want to be. 

What You’ll Gain:

 Clear Path to Success: Our in-depth Message & Marketing Audit will shine a light on what’s working and what’s not, giving you the clarity you need to refine your messaging and marketing strategies. You’ll walk away with actionable insights that empower you to effortlessly attract the clients you’re meant to serve!

 Elevated Messaging Clarity: By the end of our session, you’ll walk away with a crystal-clear core message that truly captures your unique value. This isn’t just any message; it will resonate deeply with your ideal clients, sparking genuine connections and inspiring them to take action. 

 Tailored Marketing Strategy: Together, we’ll craft a customized, results-driven marketing plan that aligns perfectly with your goals. You’ll have a step-by-step roadmap to leverage the right channels—be it social media, email, or content creation—to amplify your visibility, attract leads, and grow your business effortlessly. 

Ready to Transform Your Business?

This 90-Minute Message and Marketing Intensive is a chance to gain clarity, confidence, and a solid strategy that will set you apart from the competition. 

Imagine having a message that truly resonates and a marketing plan that gets results—this is your opportunity to make that a reality!

Your next level is just one session away.

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"In 90 minutes, Yasmin helped me gain clarity on the business identity crisis I was having! We not only got my messaging clear, we mapped out my client journey and how best to position my offers. 

As a result, I sat down to write my email newsletter today and didn't stare blankly at the blank screen. Having this clarity has opened up so many ideas to share with my audience (which tie back to offers and products), helped me whittle down the multiple offers I had sitting out there to a select few, and has reframed who I am in my own mind and in my business. 

I didn't realize having the right messaging would create so much space in my business! I finally know who I am and who I serve.

Thank you so much, Yasmin!"

Claire Fishback
Author Coach & Story Strategist

Message & Marketing Intensive€399

  • Total payment
  • 1xMessage & Marketing Intensive€399

All prices in EUR

Your Message & Marketing Intensive includes

90 minute session with Yasmin

Recording of the session

24 hour Voxer (voice app) access (if you have any questions after our session, you can contact me on Voxer and ask!)

"I first reached out to Yasmin after I had been working on my new online business venture for around 8 months. I felt overwhelmed, and even though I was doing everything that I thought I was supposed to (and taking the advice of all the Instagram gurus), I wasn’t getting any traction. I would have small wins, but for every step forward it felt like I was taking about 27 steps back, and I was working every waking hour with almost no reward. 

From the first session with Yasmin I felt the overwhelming relief that comes with knowing that someone has oversight and understanding of what it actually takes to run an online business, and has broken all of their knowledge down into usable, actionable steps, designed not to overwhelm.  

Everything changed from that first session. I discovered the confidence that comes with being able to easily and honestly describe what I do in a way that truly lands with my dream clients. I understood the aspects of my business and what each of them was designed to achieve in a whole new way, and, for the first time, I felt like I was capable of doing what it takes. 

No matter where you are on your biz journey, if you are ready for the next level up, or you need someone to have your back to save you from the overwhelm, I would say, Yasmin is the bomb. 

Not only is she intelligent and an amazing word smith (she is EPIC at helping brainstorm fun and sexy names for products and offerings), but she totally lives the 20 hour work week. And step by step, will show you how you can have that as well. 

 I have just signed up with another round of coaching by Yasmin, and I wrote to her that I feel almost nervous about committing, because I know that as I keep working with her I will be uplevelling my business and my offerings in ways that I can’t even imagine right now. If you need a coach and mentor who knows what it takes, is down to earth, honest, fun and funny, and just 100% has your back, you won’t regret choosing Yasmin."

Naomi Harris
The Pleasure Naturopath
